HI. I travel. I take photos. I write. Sometimes I’m inspired to write a lot, sometimes very little. I commit to being genuine, and generally coherent. You can read everything, or read nothing & just look at my pretty pictures. I’m doing me – you do you. – Jen

Today we transfer to the cruise ship, but only to ride it to Mykonos.

Our ferry/cruise ship to Mykonos

Kostos, our tour guide discouraged us from renting scooters on Mykonos with this statement: “The taxi drivers drive up your ass.” Well okay then never mind! We rented a hampster-car instead. But more on that later.

We received our boarding cards and found a place to settle in for the 7-hour trip to the island. We were surrounded by “regular” passengers who have cabins. We are all floaters with our luggage. We can eat the same food, but if we want beverages beyond tap water or coffee, we have to pay in cash. That is no problem for us, until we need change; the bars have no till. So change comes by the waiter scampering to various co-workers asking if anyone can make change, which is pretty awkward.
Rob and I picked at the mediocre buffet food, over-tipped the waiter because he had no damn change, and found a quiet closed bar area with couches and a loud ceiling reverberation that acted as white noise & slept for 3 hours. We arrived to some lady guide shouting at us in an over-cheerful tone, “WAKEY WAKEY!!” (She wasn’t being helpful, she just wanted us to get out because she had a meeting with her brood).
After landing 7 hours later on a dock with our bags (a hydofoil would have been only 3 hours, but extra expense for the tour company), we boarded a bus. A Mykonos guide popped on the mic for 2 minutes with dramatic flair, never to be seen again: “WELCOME to the Island of Nothing! You are here to do nothing! Do you know why all the houses are white? …… To reflect YOUR light!”
Sort of a spiritual sermon?? He left the bus, and that was that (but what WAS that??). Welcome to Mykonos.